About Keriann Rodriguez

Keriann Rodriguez is a dedicated legal assistant at Austin Hagee Law Firm. With a commitment to excellence and a keen eye for detail, Keriann is known for her ability to anticipate and meet the needs of clients and attorneys alike.

Keriann’s journey in the legal field began with her Bachelor’s degree in Political Science from North Carolina State University where she also minored in English and History. Her academic background equipped her with strong research and writing skills, which she applies to her daily legal support tasks. At Austin Hagee Law Firm, Keriann has seamlessly integrated into the legal team, playing a pivotal support role in managing client cases and new client calls. She provides invaluable assistance to attorneys and staff across a spectrum of tasks, consistently excelling in every assignment she undertakes.

Keriann’s experience as a social media coordinator at North Carolina State University has also uniquely equipped her to manage the firm’s social media account. Here, she showcases expertise in social media marketing strategies along with her passion for the legal landscape.

Outside of work, Keriann remains deeply engaged in her community. She’s passionate about leveraging her legal skills as she prepares to embark on her journey to law school in the fall of 2024. Keriann is an integral part of the team at Austin Hagee Law Firm and with her assistance, you can trust that your legal matters are in capable hands.

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